Weekly Data

WHAT THE DATA SAY: 54% uncomfortable talking politics at work

By: Ray Day


Ray Day

We wanted to share our latest consumer and business insights, based on research from Stagwell. Among the highlights of our weekly consumer sentiment tracking:


Americans are falling out of love with billionaires as the demand to address inequality grows, according to our latest Harris Poll research in Fortune.

  • 59% of Americans believe that billionaires are creating a more unfair society.
  • 71% deem wealth inequality a severe national issue – up 5 points from 2022.
  • 58% blame billionaires for accelerating inflation.
  • 62% believe “America has become a backyard for rich people.”
  • While 46% don’t believe in limiting wealth, 69% suggest taxing the rich – with 80% of Gen Z in favor.

A CEO’s politics is a deal-breaker for Gen Z and Millennial employees, based on our Harris Poll research with Indeed.

  • 54% are uncomfortable when politics come up in workplace discussions.
  • 40% of Gen Z and Millennial workers would leave their company if its CEO expressed political views with which they disagree.
  • Nearly 40% of workers in the same age range also would leave their jobs due to political differences in the workplace.
  • 35% admit to openly discussing politics in their workplace.
  • 44% have overheard colleagues discussing politics at work.
  • 34% say politics in the workplace has negatively affected team morale.
  • 16% admit to avoiding colleagues who had different political views from them.
  • 39% have felt pressure to conform to certain political views at work.
  • 39% have been discriminated against or harassed at work for their political views.
  • Even 16% who work remotely have seen signs of a colleague’s political affiliation during a videoconference, such as mugs featuring a political party logo or a campaign sticker for a candidate.

The trend of under-consumption is making renting more popular for everything from clothes and furniture to cars and sporting equipment, according to our Harris Poll research with Credit Karma.

  • 28% of Americans rent or lease goods/services, including a car (17%), clothing/accessories (9%), electronics (8%) and furniture (7%).
  • When factoring in housing, the percentage of American renters/leasers is now at 47%.
  • 58% of those who rent or lease goods/services do so as a personal choice.
  • What’s driving the decision to rent/lease? Top reasons include: flexibility that renting allows (35%); being better able to save money (31%); wanting to try things out first before deciding whether to make a purchase (27%); and avoiding overconsumption (21%).
  • 58% who rent/lease goods or services say they find more value in renting than buying.
  • 64% do not subscribe to the notion that renting translates to throwing away money.

Nearly all parents (93%) agree that kids can learn important life skills from playing sports, yet four out of five parents also believe there is a shortage of high-caliber coaches today, based on our Harris Poll survey with youth development organization First Tee.

  • 89% of parents feel character is a lost value that should be more emphasized in today’s society – 4 points higher than last year.
  • 93% of parents believe children learn important life skills from playing sports.
  • Parents believe coaches are essential to youth development, including teaching kids character, self-confidence, determination and leadership.
  • 83% wish their child had more access to well-trained coaches.
  • 94% of parents prefer coaches who have been background-checked.
  • 74% of parents say their kids are involved in extracurricular activities, on par with last year.

In case you missed it, check out the thought-leadership and happenings around Stagwell making news:



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